Battling the 8-Armed Octopus of Jealousy

Do you or a loved one struggle with jealousy? Did you know that jealousy and envy aren’t the same thing? Would your life feel more expansive & free if you knew you could kick jealousy’s butt? (or at the very least tame it!) In this unique workshop, you will learn… Where your jealousy (or another’s) comes from your unique set of Jealousy “Triggers” like Envy, Possessiveness, Anger, Depression, and the four other arms of the “octopus” of Jealousy. What each of jealousy’s eight arms are and how to lessen their deadly grip on you! Valuable tools for dealing and mitigating your triggers so jealousy doesn’t take over. How to dramatically decrease your feelings of dread and anxiety around jealousy, and lessen Jealousy’s grip on those you care about. Ways to communicate to your loved ones how they can make your world a less jealous one. Boundary and negotiation skills for improving your relationships no matter what emotions you’re experiencing!

Presented By:
Reid Mihalko

Type of workshop: Participation Appreciated