Do I have to pee outside?
This is not roughing it. The retreat has over 50 cabins, a dining hall, theater, a huge gym that becomes our main dungeon, barn, headquarters, infirmary, and a bunch of other specialty buildings. You won’t need tents or any special camping gear, and you don’t have to cook hot dogs on a stick, unless you want to.
your meals - breakfasts/lunches/dinners and even midnight
- 6 - 10 People per cabin
- Large multi person bathrooms in each cabin
- Multiple Showers in each cabin
- 4 Cabin Types: Mixed, Pony Camp, Gay and Lesbian
- Form your own cabin group in the Attendees Area
- Electricity for hair dryers, vibrators and violet wands
- Real Mattresses - not 4 inch foam pads
- Porches - to hang out on and even decorate if you like!
- Outdoor Watersports - Optional
- Privacy Cabins - for those special moments
- 200 Acre Private Retreat Facilities
- 2 Swimming Pools in the center of camp
- Topless Taxi Service - Returns!
Leather Retreat Experience
The Leather Retreat experience centers around meeting others
in the scene and making new friends. Our group cabins and
meal times let you spend quality time with the other attendees.
There are 4 cabins types to choose from or you can create
your own cabin group for your "family" or club in our attendees
only area. All your meals are included over the course of
the weekend including breakfast, lunch, dinner and midnight
snacks so you wont go hungry.
While not a requirement, most campers have a great time decorating
their cabins. They bring Xmas lights, kiddie pools, pavillion
tents, blenders, boom boxes and even blow up dolls. This is
your home for the week and everyone has a blast making it
cozy. One year a feud broke out between the Hatfields and
the McCoys. Who knows what will happen this year!
Camp Chores
In order to hold costs down and make camp run as smoothly
as possible, it is necessary for all attendees to put in few
hours of help around the camp during the course of the weekend.
The chores are usually very simple (working at registration,
dungeon monitoring, driving a golf cart, etc), and often don't
last the full time. Besides, they are a great way to meet
new people. A "resort option" is available that allows you
to opt out of the 4 hours of chores for $60. Most people do
not take this option, but it is available to you.