What Do I Do With This Extra Bullshit??: An Upline Management Classup

You know your harnesses, you know how to get someone in the air, but now you have to deal with uplines. Where do I tie off? What can I do with the extra rope? Our answer is to use it as a tool to enhance your mutual experience in rope with your partner. In this class, we will show different tie offs and give some ideas of how you can use uplines to add to your suspension. We will run through drills to practice uplines and to get your brain thinking quicker and to start to train your brain to think of using rope for connection. Our goal is to create a sense of connection, elicit emotions while still maintaining clean lines for a safe rope suspension.

Kind of Class: Suspension theory, can be demo or hands on points allowed
Skill Level: advanced
Prerequisites: non-collapsing single column ties, structural body harnesses, rope suspension knowledge and practice. This shouldn’t be your first suspension class.
Materials needed:
Rope - 8 to 12 hanks of jute or hemp. All suspension gear needed to create a point and uplines including suspension ring, climbing straps, and carabiners.

Cutting Tool - Make sure you bring a cutting tool for safety. If you do not have a cutting tool, you will not be able to participate in the exercises. 

Presented By:
Lief Bound & icky