Consent Through Paying Attention

We’re often taught growing up that when someone appears in our life and makes us feel wonderful, we have to express those feelings in very particular ways. But sometimes we miss out on the feelings themselves because we’re caught up in the yearning to express those feelings to that person.

In this class we’ll learn how to not miss out on our wonderful memories of a person, as well as our lovely and sometimes extravagant imaginings about them, while also not missing out on the immense joy of paying attention to Today’sVersion of them. We’ll talk about what beautiful attention can be paid to a person who makes us feel magical, while also acknowledging the sometimes stark differences between our insides versus how the actual person in front of us would like us to express, on a particular day, for a particular length of time, in particular ways, the many ways they make us feel. And the sheer bliss of not holding someone to our own memories or imaginings about them, but rather paying attention to the theys and the ways that they are today!

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