Artistic Flogging:

Elevate your flogging game from skilled to spectacular in this immersive workshop. Unleash the captivating allure of artistic flogging as we transform it into a mesmerizing performance art. Whether you're a novice or seasoned player, discover the secrets to crafting unforgettable scenes that mesmerize both the mind and body. From mastering transitions to selecting the perfect implements, this hands-on session promises to ignite your creativity. Bring your favorite floggers and prepare to explore footwork, choreography, flourishes and more. Don't worry bottoms, we've got tips in store for you too. Join us and unlock the artistry of flogging like never before. Wear something comfortable, and keep hydrated, because this promises to be a bit of a workout. Adaptations for mobility differences are possible.

Presented By:
Ember Solaris

Type of workshop: Participation Appreciated