
Torque is just a guy who enjoys playing! In the Bay Area kinky community for almost 30 years, his first event was an auction at Backdrop; the auction bug bit, and has enjoyed running kinky auctions ever since. He started the Meet Market in 2015.
Torque has held a variety of SOJ offices, been webmaster for SOJ, Citadel, NCSF, and KAP. Has done shoots with, run various parties, taught a variety of classes, and in general been part of the community. He’s been the “guy on the stage” for Janus at Folsom for almost 20 years and has run the calendar since 2003. In 2019 he was honored to be inducted into the Society of Janus Hall of Fame. Poly with a loving wife and partner, he’s a bondage lover, a somewhat sadistic top, bottoms to pleasure, and is a dad who tells too many dad jokes.