Pyro Playground

Chad - has taught spinning/flow arts for over 15 years, started one of the first and largest spinning arts training retreats in the world (WildFire) and runs a spinning arts equipment design and manufacturing company (Dark Monk). He is also a co-founder and teacher at Witch City Rope, a Shibari studio in Salem MA. Social Media:

BreAna - has taught movement arts for 15 years as a professional ballroom dance instructor, and is currently devoting more time to flow arts and exploring D/s through partner dancing and other movement arts.

Axel - has been regularly teaching fire dancing classes, fire safety training and running fire circles for four years. They spin a variety of props including dragon staff, levi wand, flower sticks, contact staff, rope dart, swords, and are constantly picking up new toys.

Pyro Playground's Workshops

Fire Field Safety Certification

We also do a fire spinning circle certification each night after the fire spinning safety class. This is just to go over the event’s fire circle rules, fuel dump setup and make sure the artist is safe/ready to spin fire (as best we can). (8pm every night - 20 minutes)

Intro to Fans

Fans are a versatile prop that can either be spun similar to poi, or you can dance with them using moves you likely already possess! This is a beginner class where we can all move to the music with these graceful props. No experience needed. Fans will be provided.

Type of workshop: Participation Appreciated

Intro to Fire Fleshing

Come learn to put fire on your body, run fire down your arms, and light one torch from another using your leg.. WHAT? This style of fire fleshing is done as a performance usually by the artist to themselves. Time dependent, we will learn how to do the same tricks on other people. This isn’t the partner-based fleshing more often seen in dungeons, but we will discuss that. Must wear all natural materials (cotton, leather, wool, denim, etc).

Type of workshop: Participation Appreciated

Intro to Levitation Wand

Embrace your inner magician / fae / fairy , with this fun, seemingly levitating wand. In this class you learn the basics of controlling the wand, while adding body movements. Come learn to dance with your new magic wand. No experience needed. Wands will be provided.

Type of workshop: Participation Appreciated