Athena Kali

Athena Kali (she/her) is a queer D/s educator who delights in torturing trembling treats for your perving pleasure and has been presenting across the U.S. and Europe for over 11 years. With an emphasis on igniting lasting connection through power-exchange, female-led relationships, and rope, she and her dynamic team of partners create learning spaces where participants can interact, engage, and explore the depth of their desire & potential for love and kink. Join us for hands-on classes and events that promote gender-fuckery, delightful D/s, and a kink style equal parts love, torture, and creativity.

Athena Kali's Workshops

ABC’s of CBT

Crazy Badass Talent. That’s what you’ll acquire by the end of this fun (well, depends on your definition of fun!) class on the fundamentals of CBT, or cock and ball torture. In this experimental class, Athena Kali will cover some fundamental types of CBT including rope ties, weights, sensation, and impact play (such as ball-busting) on some trembling external genitalia. Some demos will be performed with two beautiful demo babes! This class will emphasize the range of play available, how giving and receiving partners can both gauge pain and enjoyment thresholds safely and sexily and how you can incorporate CBT into dynamic scenes.

Dark Waters: Exploring Heavy Play

Early in our kink journey, we dip our toes into the water - soon swimming confidently in more turbulent waters experiencing fear, joy, excitement, and courage. But what about the dark waters of our most taboo desires – intense sadism, complete lack of control, social taboos, or a depth we know should likely remain fantasy… that we fear we may not be able to swim back from. In this class we will take the dive together, illuminating sacred and powerful darkness with tools for regulation, scene creation, self-assessment, healing, and risk awareness that can unlock our comfort with the darkness or readiness to explore its depths. Can we? Should we? Let’s find out together. Participants should come to class prepared for discussion of potentially triggering & taboo topics in a facilitated environment.

Dudes In Distress Mixer

Do you flag rainbow rope in your back pocket? Do you come to camp with dreams of bound dudes quivering at your feet? Are you a dude who loves to be in distress? Join the lovely ladies and dudes behind, and a bevy of other distressingly gorgeous Dudes, rainbow-rope enthusiasts, lady tops, boyish bottoms, and the rest of the creative, curious crew at Fusion who share an interest in male submission and female dominance. At this event, you can meet like minded folks, organize play-dates, find co-conspirators for your scenes, throw yourself on the mercy of powerful women, or entice a muscular (alternately: hairy - shy - tender - wan - delicate - young - nerdy) submissive man to the dungeon with you. Dudes in Distress is an equal opportunity distress space. Your gender identity is respected here. Dudeliness and ladyness are self-identifiers meant to be claimed, fucked with, discarded, and worn like a crown to subvert the patriarchy and delight in the sublime. Sirs who submit, zirs who switch, bois who fuck boys and dudes who love labias, bitches and bros and misses: you’re all welcome here.

Dudes In Distress Orgy

Do you want to spend the night at an orgy surrounded by beautiful dudes dancing on stripper poles, boys in tears, bois strung up and smacked around, giggling or flexing their gorgeous bodies? Of course, you do! Join us for a sex party and ritual designed to facilitate making new connections, pursuit of sexual liberation, and exaltation of the dudes who submit, the ladies who love them, and the many connections possible in all spaces in between. In this space, Athena Kali will share, teach, and demonstrate the ancient sex party ritual of opening circle. This arcane and secret ritual, handed down to us by our foremothers, brings participants into a liminal space of possibility, power, and transformation, giving each guest a chance to express their secret wishes to the group, and by giving voice to their desires, to fulfill them. Be sure to arrive on time. Fifteen minutes after the start of the event, the doors will be closed to new arrivals. Bring toys and rope, bring outlandish costumes, bring your open hearts. Dudes in Distress is an equal opportunity distress space. Your gender identity is respected here. Dudeliness and ladyness are self-identifiers meant to be claimed, fucked with, discarded, and worn like a crown to subvert the patriarchy and delight in the sublime. Sirs who submit, zirs who switch, bois who fuck boys and dudes who love labias, bitches and bros and misses: you’re all welcome here.

Pegging for Pleasure

Strap-on play, pegging - whatever you call it, this intimate form of sex can be the secret to unlocking new levels of intimacy, submission, and power in your partnerships and play. This class will help you understand the basics and get ready to start pegging. How can you pick the right strap-on harness? Which toy will be most comfortable for your partner? How can you make the first time comfortable? How can you make your partner squirm in ecstasy? Are prostate orgasms real? What does it feel like to be pegged? Is it really pleasurable for the top?!? All these questions and more will be answered by the presenters, and pending con rules, get ready for a demonstration! Whether you are looking to use pegging as a way to enhance pleasure, create a power exchange, or just spice things up, we have you covered.