Intro Suspension Pt 2 - Putting it together

PLEASE NOTE: In order to participate in part 2 of the intro to suspension classes, you must have attended and participated in Intro to suspension part I.

There are a limited number of hard points available for this class.

Now that we have the land portion down, lets get flying! During part two of this mini-series, M0co and Beemo will discuss safety concerns with suspensions, up-lines and upline management, and how to use the box-tie and hip harness to create the basic yoko tsuri, or side suspension. Participants will learn and practice the step-by-step sequence for this suspension, as well as how to make adjustments to it. While this class is a hands on class, those who do not meet the requirements listed will be asked to audit.

Requirements: 8-12 ropes of a least 26 ft in length, tops and bottoms must have attended and participated in Intro to Suspension Part I, tops must be able to tie a suspension worthy box tie that will be checked by the presenters/TA, tops must be able to tie a suspension worthy hip harness that will be checked by the presenters/TA, bottoms must be able to effectively communicate, bottoms must have a strong understanding of their body and health in terms of tying and rope

Type of workshop: Hands-On