
SkyWolf, is a wandering shaman in search of answers, especially to the question: "How the heck did I get here?" After wandering the various pagan, alternative sexuality, kink, & fandom scenes for over 10 years, he found that his current path of Shamanic Spirit Hacker was waiting for him all along. Usually found sharing his sacred sangria, he is called by his totem to teach, guide, and promote healing. While proficient in multiple skills and tools, he specializes in shamanic healing especially dealing with trauma, spiritual explorations, and empowering lives. As a child, he was raised on Addams Family, Marx Brothers, George Carlin, and Monty Python and now has enough issues for a subscription or two. His personal heroes are Jim Henson, Batman, Spiderman, and Vash the Stampede. Drawing upon many years of IT security (CEH, CISSP), gaming, and fencing, he has a unique way of thinking and presenting. Whether he makes sense, speaks madness, or both is entirely up to you.

Skywolf's Workshops

Awakening our Primal Forms

(Lecture & Practice, Ritual)
In the beginning, there was nothing, and then came the first thoughts, concepts, words, energies, and states. Shortly thereafter, more complex and intricate variations came into existence and subsequently become the norm. Yet each derivation can still be traced back to the cardinal or simple forms from which their power stems. Primal concepts such as Predator, Prey, Master, Slave, Protector, and Child, can evoke a variety of images and scenarios to explore. These archetypes or primal forms and energies can be accessed to empower us in the various actions we take. In each of us, there exists a connection to these energies and states. As our lives grow more and more complex, we often forget about this and lose touch with our primal aspects. Primal energy is a very powerful and raw force that is often misunderstood. It can be used with precision and purpose if we have our beings and intents aligned and ready. In this ritual, we will access raw and primal energies to reawaken our connection to this source and embrace it within ourselves.

Type of workshop: Discussion